On My Block

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Control Flow in JavaScript

Control flow is in computer science the order that the instructions or statements or functions are executed. In javascript, we read the code starting from the first line till the last line unless of course in the code there is some instructions or statements that changes that control flow.

JavaScript Scope

Understanding scope in programming is key to appreciating how your variables interact with the rest of your code. In some languages, this can be quite straightforward, but JavaScript’s anonymous functions and event handling features, along with a couple of little quirks, mean that handling scope in your applications can become frustrating.

Final Thoughts

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React/Redux state flow with Rails API using async JS with Promises

One of the main requirements of the last Flatiron project is the understanding of React/Redux flow. Essentially student needs to fully comprehend the difference between using only React and React with Redux + Thunk Middleware.

VisualCV Final Project

My final Flatiron project. What can I say except that I am very proud for being in this position. If somebody asked me one year ago what coding is and how it works I would start laughing. For that kind of question I would never have an answer, that was for smart kids, I play video games not code. But after random sequences of events while I was working for Apple in Ireland I started playing around with code. To cut the story (more on my path to greatness on another blog :D) one year later I am developing single page application using Rails backend and React/Redux frontend. And I did it all by myself. For this reason I will explain how all requirements are meet in this project. This project is just one in many to come, there is still a lot to learn and since looking at the screen for 5+ hours a day is fun for me, I look forward to my future in software development. And to finish this intro with my all-time favorite quote:

“Things are only impossible until they are not.” ― Jean-Luc Picard