Final Thoughts

Posted by Alan Krajina on December 14, 2019

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My final thought?

The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.

by: Aristotle

Student path

This is the world of a software development student. From “knowing nothing” when I started to the “slope of enlightenment” where I am now after finishing the program.

Only when I started to code I fully comprehended the phase

Practice makes perfect.

As a newbie you are constantly faced with new challenges and they all seem like a mountain you can’t climb. From learning basic syntax of a language like Ruby, to using Sinatra and then creating a full stack app with only Rails. After that switching to a completely new language with its own syntax as JavasSript. Creating a JS Rails app and then React/Redux – Rails full stack app.

All that in 8 months, how long it took me to finish the self-paced program, without having any mentor for support. And that makes me proud. You encounter a bug, console and google are your only friends. For a self driven person like me that didn’t pose as difficulty but a challenge, like it should for all self paced students. There is no rush, you make your coffee, put some nice lofi hip hop beats and play with the code.

As soon as you start looking at coding as playing a game, it will transform from a difficult task to a fun challenge. Especially if you decide to pursue a frontend career using React. Seeing all components connect, creating your own custom stuff, there are no limits. You only need to practice. The more practice you have, the more your confidence grows. The more your confidence grows the happier you are, coding becomes easier and your new career dream becomes a reality.

And to finish this blog with what else then another quote :D
