On My Block

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Flow of fetch in Rails&JS Project to view Index content

First thing we need to make sure that our backend is set up and our routes and associations connected.

PizzaOnRailsApp - Rails project

In this blog I will go through project requirements and try to explain the way they are meet.

Projects Track App

For this project I decided on making an app that allows users to CRUD projects and to keep track of them, using Sinatra. The purpose of the App would be like a dashboard where a User can save and update his Projects or any tasks available. I will go through the requirements to explain how the app works.

CLI Data Gem Project Blog

Starting with this project I had many ideas on what webpage I could scrape and how my CLI Gem would look like but what I did not expect that the reality would hit me at the start. Coding for only 2 months my reality was that I did not have many tools under my belt and my knowledge was to a sense limited. First website I wanted to scrape looked perfect at first but after going deeper into HTML I saw that the elements were loaded via JavaScript. When I ran Inspect on the page I would be able to see all the information I needed to scrape but when I would run Page Source that information was missing, same element was completely different. Same situation happened after I started scraping, info was not there.